Ups and downs
Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me/Other times I can barely see.
Doing the work
Pride. Ego. The humble brag. Just do your job.
Al fresco
What? Me worry?
Maybe everything isn’t literal? Maybe it is to a writer.
Awesome friends
The words we use, overuse, weaken.
Let me introduce you
From the annuls of adulting.
When you know
It is sudden. It is magic. It is real.
Love, love me do
A day of debauchery, violence, martyrdom, and cute cards
The tame and the wild
Open your eyes. You can fly.
Carry on
I got the music in me.
In praise of neighbors and those who help. Also peacocks.
My life on ice
The future is now
The future is plastic. The future is now.
My country ‘tis of thee
We hold two passports.
Morning becomes me
When a routine is a ritual
Trail friends
There’s magic in meeting on the trail.
Water, water everywhere
Navigating the space between self-reliance and interconnectedness.
Why can’t I?
“The power to question is the basis of all human progress.” – Indira Gandhi
Here, there, and everywhere
This may make a believer out of you.
May all be fed. May all be healed. May all be loved.