You be you

You be you
You do you

 If you being you is you drinking too much and then getting behind the wheel of your car, then no. Do not be you.

 If you being you is you, a man, who hears demeaning and sexist remarks or observes intimidating and threatening behaviors and does nothing, says nothing, then no. Do not be you.

 If you being you is you, a woman, who views other women as competition, who does not extend a helping hand, who bestows judgment and withholds compassion, then no. Do not be you.

 If you being you is you living heavy on the earth, driving a big car, living in a big house, eating beef (Listed as 3 of the top 5 worst things an individual can do for the environment, then no. Do not be you.

 If you being you is you, a person of privilege, blind to the privilege, flaunting the privilege, protecting the privilege, then no. Do not be you.

 If you being you is you not contributing in some way to the life and health of your community, then no. Do not be you.

 Am I being judgmental about this? You bet your ass.

 What I’m saying is: Maybe don’t be you. Be the best version of you. Be the aspirational you. Raise the bar on you. And then raise it again.

 I try to. I’m not saying I succeed. But I am in there pitching.

 With thanks to Egg Man and trail buddy Ira Aronin for this idea. (Blame him!)


Who he is/Who we are


Judge much?