
CC artFADE IN:INT. BEDROOM – JUST BEFORE DAWNLAUREN lies in bed on her back staring at the ceiling. It is just light enough in the bedroom to see her. The windows are open. Soft but insistent hiss of rain.

LAUREN (V.O.)Alright. Time to get up. You’ve got a Barre3 class in less than an hour.

Other LAUREN (V.O.)(whining)No. It’s dark. It’s raining. These flannel sheets are so soft and, wow, they are the same exact temperature as my body. I could lie here forever.

LAUREN (V.O.)(annoyed)Get up now. You’ve got a 7:30 class.

Other LAUREN (V.O.)(petulant)Big deal. So I miss a class. One class.

LAUREN (V.O.)(accusatory)Lazy. Slacker.

Other LAUREN (V.O.)(defensive)Shut up.

LAUREN (V.O.)(scolding)You’ve gained all this winter weight. And now you’re gonna stop going to class? You go, girl. Way to self-sabotage.

Other LAUREN (V.O.)(whining, hurt)Thanks for that. Way to motivate.

LAUREN (V.O.)(stern)If you don’t go, you’ll be mad at yourself all day.

The LAUREN (V.O.)(combative)So what? Leave me alone.

LAUREN (V.O.)(kinder)You know how good it makes you feel. Your body. Your mood. You know how much energy you get. It fuels your whole day. It’s a gift you give yourself.

DISSOLVE TO:INT. BARRE3 STUDIOLAUREN, step-tapping, windmill arms, with 16 other women. “Edge of Glory” blasting on speakers.

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


Feelin' the Bern


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