Say bye-bye to the Comfort Zone

photoStaying young is all about giving yourself challenges -- physical, creative, intellectual, whatever.It is about taking on something new, something you don't know if you can do.  And doing it. It's about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.  You know, that place you're at right now that you had to work hard to get to but no longer makes you sweat (literally or otherwise)?  That place that -- admit it -- feels a bit like coasting?  A little bit like being on auto pilot? Time to move on out.It's not about bucket lists.  It's about nurturing -- actively feeding -- a curiosity about the world and about yourself.Could I do this?What would happen if I tried? 

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


Move. Dammit.


Nuts to you. Yes, you.