Hello, fall!

fall colorsDelicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking successive autumns.George Eliot (aka Mary Ann Evans) wrote that, and I could not agree more. And, as if fall were not awesome enough by its own self, it is also an excellent season for those of us committed to living counterclockwise. Here are the top 5 reason (well, my top 5 reasons) fall is the best season for engaged, vibrant, youthful living:1. Soup. Yes, let’s begin with soup. Lentil soup. Black bean soup. Potato leek soup. Butternut squash and apple (see #2) soup. Soupsoupsoup. A quiet and contemplative pleasure to make. A deeply satisfying (body and soul) meal to consume. Soup forces you to slow down, breath, savor, enjoy.2. Apples. Sure, other fruits hog the anti-aging limelight (pomegranate, mangosteen, acai berries, blah blah blah), but the apple – glory of fall harvests – should be front and center. It’s not just the vitamin C and B6. It’s the particular kind of fiber found in apples (eat the skin or lose out) that interacts with other phytonutrients to significantly bolster the blood fat-lowering effects. The phytonutrients in apples also help regulate blood sugar. And recently scientists have identified a new important health benefit: the beneficial effects apples have on bacteria in the digestive tract. Also they are delicious, crunchy, satisfying and low-cal. And, as a bonus: Apples are grown in all 50 states, meaning you have a better chance of eating local with an apple than with just about any other fruit.3. Sleep. Sleep is good, and we don’t get enough of it. With the equinox comes shorter days, longer nights, and more lovely darkness to take advantage of. Cooler nights (open those windows!) mean better sleep “hygiene.” Also the beginning of flannel sheet weather. Need I say more? Wait, I will say more. Here in the Pacific Northwest, fall means rain. Which means falling asleep to the soft hiss of rain, the sound people actually download to listen to because it is known to enhance relaxation.4. Cooler weather. Not just great for improved sleep, cooler weather is perfect for long walks, hikes, bike rides, runs – you know, getting out and (joyfully) moving your body. If you were stuck indoors during summer heat waves and air inversions, now is the time to go back outside. It’s not just physical movement that keeps us healthy and vibrant, it is our connection to the natural world.5. Glorious colors. Scarlet and magenta, gold and bronze, russet, flame, apricot. Oh I could go on. But you get it. Fall colors are magnificent, a treat for eye and food for the soul. It’s hard not to feel grateful just to be alive in the presence of such beauty.So happy equinox, everyone. Take a walk while munching an apple. Make soup and savor it. Sleep well.

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.




In praise of feet