Vaxxy Nation

  I am so proud of us. I just want to stop for a moment and appreciate my fellow humans (so very many of them) for their resilience and strength and perseverance. For their resolve, their diligence, their kindness, their generosity. For making it through the worst of the worst with humanity intact, heads held high and, right now, sleeves rolled up ready to get vaccinated.We rightly celebrate the heroes among us. And we solemnly memorialize the dead among us.  I want to pause to recognize the rest of us. I mean you and me. Us ordinary folk. We voted into office a kind-hearted and compassionate man. We found ways to connect with each other when couldn’t meet. We kept education alive and learners engaged. We helped feed our communities. We supported our local businesses. We danced in our living rooms.And now, one by one, jab by jab, we show how much we care about our families and our communities by getting vaccinated—and then by continuing with all the precautions we took before we were vaccinated.When we slowly, carefully—joyously—emerge from all this, we will have learned just how strong we are and what we truly value.I am so proud of us. 

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.




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