My Favorite Things

For this post, blame my friend Florian Niederndorfer, a reporter at DerStandard, who alerted me to a news story announcing the appointment of Patrick Park as our new ambassador to Austria. The selection (made by you-know-who) was based on … wait for it … Park’s love of the movie "The Sound of Music." Which was filmed in and around Salzburg. Which is in Austria. So a big fan of the movie would be very very knowledgeable about Austria having watched the movie as many times as apparently Mr. Park has. (“I know every single word and song by heart,” he is quoted as saying.) Okay, then: Hired.I too know the songs by heart. But not being an old, rich, white-man crony of the man in charge, I lack the essential credentials.Nevertheless, she persisted.No, not in angling for the position, but rather in revisiting the musical score to see what might be running through our new ambassador’s head. How about “My Favorite Things”? I’m thinking that maybe, amidst all of the current sturm und drang (see I even know a little German! Hire me!), we could take a moment to focus on what continues to give us joy – our favorite things.When Mr. Ambassador Park sings the opening lines to the song, I wonder whether he thinks about who that biting dog and stinging bee might be?

When the dog bitesWhen the bee stingsWhen I'm feeling sadI simply remember my favorite thingsAnd then I don't feel so bad

Herewith, the favorite things that are sustaining me and keeping me (almost) sane.The news, almost every day, from Oregon, Washington and California of governors, legislators, judges, faith-based groups and corporations taking big, bold, principled stands against the thoughtless, hurtful, ignorant, dangerous, unAmerican edicts coming from the White House.But also, coming from a far different place:>The glorious, loving expansion of our family from five to six truly outstanding humans>Wordstreak>Van Morrison, then, now, forever>The extraordinary men in my Lifers’ writing group>That floating space between sleep and wakefulness>Rain. Soft hiss, pounding needles, open windows>My Seattle storytellers>Kim>KettlecornAnd yes, Lizzie, of course: whiskers on kittens.Looking forward to your lists. Post in comments!

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


Breakfast of Champions


Nevertheless, she disappeared.