I worry

I awake in the cool of the morning to birdsongs, and for a long moment I think of nothing. How wonderful this is. I don’t even think about how wonderful this is. I am neither happy nor unhappy. I just am.  I breath and listen. Breath and listen.

And then too quickly, the world rushes in. Of course, it does. And I worry. I worry about a person I care about who is having a hard time. I worry about Henry and his spiky fever. I worry about wildfire season and the war in Ukraine and whether Geoffrey Hinton is right and AI will destroy our species. I worry about the hard right. I worry about the drip line I ran over with the mower yesterday. I worry that my cat is mentally ill. I worry that my agent will not find a home for the new book. I worry that sometimes I forget to worry about things I should worry about. I worry that I worry too much.

And then I hear the birds. And I breath. And for a long moment, I think of nothing.This, my friends, if you can’t hear the birds in the morning, try this meditation.

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


Where I belong


Songs sung solo