I had a dream

Last night, the night of January 20, I had this dream:I was looking out the back door of my house across the property. I saw six or seven men or maybe older teenage boys rolling across the land seated on small tractors or dirt bikes. They were rolling toward the back of the house, toward me. They were yelling at each other. I saw that they were holding rifles. But they looked to be plastic, maybe play guns or BB guns. I was scared. The back door was unlocked. I wanted to lock it. But, as in so many dreams like this, I moved in slow motion, and the lock was stuck, and the men got closer, and I struggled with the lock. Finally, it clicked, and I moved away from the door.The dream shifted to the front of the house. There was a knock on that door. Standing on the porch was a man and woman. The woman was holding a baby in her arms. I didn’t know who they were, but they smiled and I invited them into the house, and they sat on the couch in the living room. I went back to close the front door, and I saw a group of young girls standing in the yard. There was a woman with them. They were wearing Girl Scout uniforms, those old ones like I wore when I was in sixth grade, those unflattering sickly green ones. No one said anything, but I knew they were selling Girl Scout cookies. That’s why they were there.I was still shaken, so I said, “I’m sorry I can buy any cookies. I just can’t think about that now.” And one of the girls walked the front steps and handed me a little carton. I took it. I went inside to sit next to the couple with the baby. I opened the carton. There were three boxes of Girl Scout cookies inside.Obvious? Yes. In need of deep analysis? Um, no.Did I wake as if scoured by a cleansing rain? Oh yes.And then I listened to this “Call to Courage” meditation on InsightTimer.Good morning, my friends. A new day. 

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


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A Nutcracker-less Year