Biting off more than you can chew

What happens when you bite off more than you can chew?You have three options: You choke on it. You spit it out. You take a very very long time chewing it.Why is this relevant? Because this winter I bit off more than I could chew. Opportunities arose to which I could not say no. Opportunities arose to which I could say no, but did not. Deadlines were all of a sudden a lot closer than they used to be. Things happened. Good things and bad things. Unexpected things. People needed me.I started to choke. This made doing what I had to do – plus what I wanted to do – even harder than it already was. I didn’t have the luxury of or patience for long-term mastication. Commitments. Deadlines. People depending on me.And so I spit out something. And that something was this blog. What I mean is that I stopped writing and posting. Of course I was flooded with messages from bereft readers, people who planned their entire week around my Wednesday postings, people on the edge of their various seats, holding their collective breaths waiting for witty, insightful commentary, but then settling for my posts. I feared all this frenetic traffic would break the Internet. Alas, the Internet abides.I think perhaps I missed you (at least I missed writing these weekly posts) more than you missed me. Regardless, I will be back, seat of the pants to seat of the chair (actually, I write standing up, but I love that expression) in mid-March.In the meantime: Chew with your mouth closed!

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


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