DO sweat the small stuff

sweat 1Last week’s post was all about trying to determine the best anti-aging exercise.  But – based on snarky comments (you know who you are) about muscle-shredding, oxygen-gasping overexertion and how lots of people don’t enjoy being drenched in sweat like I do -- I think you may need some convincing about the astonishing anti-aging powers of exercise.So…just how good is exercise for you?  Let me count the ways (based on the most recent and most credible research).**Decreases blood pressure**Lowers resting heart rate**Elevates “good” cholesterol**Lowers “bad” cholesterol**Increases muscle mass**Increases bone density**Increases metabolic rate**Decreases joint and muscle pain**Enhances cognitive function**Elevates mood**Improves sleepYou want more?An eight-decade-long investigation of 1500 Californians found that being active in midlife was the single most important predictor of good health.Based on a review of 40 studies on the benefits of exercise, researchers found consistent evidence that regular exercise can help prevent more than 25 diseases and heath conditions.A four-decade, 50,000-person-strong study of activity, health and longevity concluded that people who exercise “live better…look better…feel better…and live longer.”So unless you are reading this on your iPad while huffing and puffing on the EFX machine or perusing this on your computer screen while racking up miles on your treadmill desk, here’s my message to you:  MOVE IT.The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea.--Isak Dinesen

Lauren Kessler

Lauren is the author of 15 narrative nonfiction books and countless essays, articles, and blogs.


(Anti-aging) Buyer Beware


The Best Anti-Aging Exercise