The Art of the Guinea Pig
What I will do (to myself) to get a story
The Talented Mr. Talese
All hail the master
I HEART blogging.
The joys of going commando
Write Like Me.
Is style measurable?
I came. I saw. iPad.
She doth protest too much
Attention Must Be Paid
Let's hear it for uni-tasking
The Moving Finger...
...having writ, moves on
Living A Lie
What would you do to get a story?
Readers, readers everywhere
Literature is alive in the Provinces
The Reluctant Blogger
"Creating content" ain't writing
The Book, 1454-2008(?)
Truth or Consequences
On living your own life
Nonfiction Never-Neverland
Fantasy trumps reality
The Good News About Bad News
Step up! You're next!
Why Write?
See what I see, learn what I learn
The Few, The Proud, The Readers
Are book absolutely necessary?
The Power of Fact (audio MP3)
Keeping the Non in Nonfiction
Whose truth should you tell?
grmr: CWOT
Will text messaging be the death of grammar?
The 10 stupid things writers do to mess up their lives
Ah, the fine art of self-sabotage
Fact, Fable, and Frey
Can writers have it both ways?
Unlearning Lessons
The long road from news to narrative
I Heart Books
These pages tell our life stories
In Praise of Libraries
So many books, so little time
A Man in Full
Giving Tom Wolfe his due
Making the past come alive
If you didn't see it, can you write about it?
Tell Me a Story
Are we all Stephen Glass waiting to happen?
All's Well That Ends Well
Where Does Fact End and Fiction Begin?
Searching for Athena or Somebody Like Her
Life and Writing
Life, even for a writer, can just be life
Wallflower at the Orgy
What Happens When You Shut Your Mouth and Open Your Eyes
When is Close Too Close?
Her crisis was my plot. What was I to do?