Hey there. Welcome.
This is me. Or rather, a curated version of me. (For the real me, we’ll have to go hiking together.) I am a narrative nonfiction author. That means I write about real people doing real things in the real world. That’s the nonfiction part. The narrative part is the way I tell it: stories with plot that come alive with characters and scenes. Like, you know, fiction. But not.
I’m the author of 15 books, scores of magazine articles and countless (well, I could count, but I haven’t) essays and blogs. Come. Take a look.

Works by Lauren
Be curious, inspired, and moved by these richly-detailed stories about real people. The power of fact. The resonance of fiction
What do I write about? Well, everything. Exotic plant smuggling, Death with Dignity, Mr. Potato Head, the art and craft of nonfiction. And more.
Enjoy these bite-sized essays on love, life, loss, challenges, politics, prisons, and chickens.